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eakin dot® in practice

As healthcare professionals, we want to give you all the information you need to prescribe eakin dot® with confidence. Our case studies and features have been collected from health professionals across the world.

Each link below will take you to a case study or more about our eakin dot® range.

eakin dot® 2-piece soft post parastomal hernia repair

Use of eakin dot® 2-piece and seal to help promote skin healing. Changing to the new 2 piece system gave the patient greater comfort post surgery

Use of eakin dot® 2-piece soft convex for retracted stoma with parastomal hernia

Existing ostomate of 42 years has new stoma formed due to Crohn’s. New stoma resulted in retraction, leaks and a hernia

Using eakin dot® 2-piece from a carer's perspective

Management of a stoma from the perspective of a career using eakin dot® 2-piece​

Using eakin dot® 2-piece in the management of stoma and long term health conditions

Patient was put on eakin dot® 2-piece immediately post-op. Now independent with stoma care and having no problems

Using eakin dot® 2-piece for sensitive skin

Patients skin has healed within 2 weeks of switching to eakin dot® 2-piece flat system

Using eakin dot® 2-piece for severe sight impairment

Use of eakin dot® 2-piece has allowed the patient to manage occasional baseplate changes independently when needed.

Using eakin dot® 2 piece soft convex for paediatric users with severe allergic dermatitis

Patients skin healed with the use of eakin dot® 2-piece without the need to use need to use an ostomy seal, protective spray or Inexium.

Using eakin dot® 2-piece soft convex for a patient with cognitive impairment

Easy management of pouch changes for staff and secure coupling discouraged “accidental” removal by the patient.

Submit a Case Study

Do you have an interesting case study using our products that your peers would be interested in?  Please consider submitting a case study to be used on our website using the button below.