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1. WOCN Society (2015) Support of Medicare Coverage for Enterocutaneous Fistulas.
2. McNaughton V, Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy ECF Best Practice Recommendations Panel (2009)
Best practice recommendations for management of enterocutaneous fistulae.
3. Bryant, R. A. (2016) Acute and Chronic Wounds: Nursing Management (5th edn). London: Mosby: 552
4. Bryant, R. A. (2016) Acute and Chronic Wounds: Nursing Management (5th edn). London: Mosby: 538
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6. Guy H, Grothier L (2012) Using negative pressure therapy in wound healing. Nursing Times; 108; 36, 16-20.
7. Apelqvist, J., Willy, C., Fagerdah, A.M. et al. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy – overview, challenges and perspectives. J Wound Care 2017; 26: 3, Suppl 3, S1–S113
8. Rogers Herbert, G. Palliative wound care: Part 2. Wound Care Advisor 2015; Volume 4; No 2.
9. Hooper, J. How to: Fistula Management Made Easy: Wound Care Education Institute
10. Bryant, R. A. (2016) Acute and Chronic Wounds: Nursing Management (5th edn). London: Mosby: 558
11. Mahony K (2016) Finding a cost-effective dressing solution with multiple applications. JCN; Volume 30; No 5.
12. McGroggan, G. Effects of a hydrocolloid ostomy seal on faecal enzyme activity and moisture absorption, Poster presented at 3rd Congress of World Union Wound Healing Society; June 4-8, 2008: Toronto, Canada
14. Voegeli, D., Moisture-associated skin damage: aetiology, prevention and treatment. Br J. Nurs. 2012:21(9):517-520
15. Voegeli, D., Moisture-associated skin damage: an overview for community nurses. Br J of Community Nursing DATE:18(1):6-10
16. Andersen, P.H; Bucher, A.P; Saeed, I; Lee, P.C; Davis, J.A; Maibach, H.I. 1994. Faecal enzymes: In vivo human skin irritation. Contact Dermatitis. 30(3): 152-158


1. McGroggan, G. Effects of a hydrocolloid ostomy seal on faecal enzyme activity and moisture absorption, Poster presented at 3rd Congress of World Union Wound Healing Society; June 4-8, 2008: Toronto, Canada.
2. Data on File (2017)
3. Voegeli, D., Moisture-associated skin damage: aetiology, prevention and treatment. Br J. Nurs. 2012:21(9):517-520
4. Voegeli, D., Moisture-associated skin damage: an overview for community nurses. Br J of Community Nursing DATE:18(1):6-10
5. McGroggan, G. Cohesive Nurse Questionnaire in response to proposed 2007 UK Health Reform.
6. McGroggan, G. Cohesive Patient Questionnaire in response to proposed 2007 UK Health Reform.
1. McGroggan, G. (2016) Cohesive Paste: Formulation Safety