eakin Cohesive®| Information for stoma care nurses
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eakin Cohesive® in practice

As healthcare professionals, we want to give you all the information you need to prescribe eakin Cohesive® seals with confidence. Our case studies and features have been collected from health professionals across the world.

Each link below will take you to a case study or more about the science behind the seal.

Transform To Perform

As eakin Cohesive® seals protect your skin from leakage by absorbing moisture they transform into a gel. They must Transform to Perform.​

Absorbancy Matters Most

Our eakin Cohesive® seals are designed to prevent and protect against leaks better than any other seal by absorbing more output.

What does a seal do?

An eakin Cohesive® seal gives you peace of mind and the confidence you’ll always be protected. Here's how it works.

Creating a watertight seal around stoma

Using an eakin Cohesive® seal to provide a watertight seal around the stoma.

Treatment of a premature baby with ileostomy and mucous fistula

This case looks the use of eakin Cohesive SLIMS® for the treatment of a premature baby.

Use of eakin Cohesive® seals and moisture associated skin damage

Patient with watery faecal output and incorrect appliance sizing resulting in skin excoriation.

Submit a Case Study

Do you have an interesting case study using our products that your peers would be interested in?  Please consider submitting a case study to be used on our website using the button below.