Cohesive® Advantage Competition

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During the ECET Congress in Salzburg earlier this year, staff at the Eakin Stand ran a competition on the Cohesive® Advantage.

Q: What enzymes that are harmful to the skin does Cohesive® inhibit?
A: Elastase and Lipase.

Q: What 3 ways does Cohesive® stop skin excoriation?
A: Absorbs water, reduces enzyme activity and physically blocks both biological and chemical irritants from coming into contact with the skin.

Staff at TG Eakin Limited were very pleased to welcome Sylvia, together with a colleague from KKH-Lörrach – Stephanie Schöneberg-Opalka (pictured above) – at the end of September. They had a tour of the TG Eakin Limited factory and were very impressed with the high quality and hygiene standards present.

The beautiful Culloden Hotel and the city of Belfast were further highlights of the trip; the ladies thoroughly enjoyed their stay in Northern Ireland.

TG Eakin Ltd go that ‚extra mile‘ for NI Hospice

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Around a dozen members of staff took part in the Belfast Marathon in May. Two relay teams entered the competition; each team ran the 26-mile course.

An additional three colleagues entered the walking event, walking 9 miles each.

TG Eakin Ltd chose to raise money for Northern Ireland Hospice Care, which is a charity caring for terminally ill people here in Northern Ireland. It provides specialist palliative care for adults and children with life limiting and life threatening illnesses.

The aim of the charity is to provide the best quality of life for patients and to support their families, focusing not only on physical care but also on the need for emotional, social and spiritual support. Care is provided in the hospice and in the community.

TG Eakin Ltd was delighted to raise a grand total of £7,000 for this worthwhile cause through donations and other fundraising events such as a Soup & Book Sale. Many thanks to our suppliers for their contributions.