An eakin Cohesive® seal provides a solution for leaks and sore red skin. Here’s a step by step guide for application.
Leaks and skin irritation are common problems faced by ostomate. The eakin Cohesive® seal provides superior protection to help stop leaks and prevent sore skin around your stoma.
The skin friendly ingredients in eakin Cohesive® seals means there is little chance of allergies to them. As eakin Cohesive® seals absorb more moisture than any other seal they allow you to get on with your day, leak free.
To make sure the seal does its job, follow this handy step by step guide to apply your seal.
The eakin seal comes in a variety of sizes. Find the perfect seal for you by requesting a sample today.
For further advice and support visit A Bigger Life, a web-based community for ostomates and their carers.